Archive | October, 2012

What I do in Peru (Video)

15 Oct

(The audio is a little weird 😦 but hopefully you can hear what I’m saying!)



In case you didn’t watch the whole video (too long, boring, blah blah blah) — here is the link to the YouTube channel where I’ve been uploading my videos: Betty’s YouTube Channel




So official! (Swearing In Pictures)

6 Oct

Peru 19 swore in as official Peace Corps Volunteers on August 17, 2012 at the ambassador’s house in Lima.

We weren’t allowed to take cameras to the ceremony, but here are some pre-and-post pictures of the day:

with the girls (day before swearing in)

leland, nanda and i and our luggage

starla, meg and i.

are we excited or what?

spending QT with lulu

lulu loves her donut.

with US Ambassador to Peru, Rose M. Likins.


And now…time to celebrate!

enjoying antichuchos at our Country Director’s house.

lambayeque crew!

readyyy for a night in miraflores.

i love this picture of kendra and i. 

lindsay and i rocking cardigans at the club.
